Sew Buttons on by Sewing Machine

It’s Sew Easy, and Sew Fast, Sew Buttons on by Sewing Machine

Why would you sew 2 or 4 hole buttons on by hand if you could sew buttons on by sewing machine? 

It’s easy, it fast and they won’t fall off!

buttons sewn on by machine

Even without a “button” setting, you can do this, simply drop the feed teeth and select a zig-zag stitch with a width of 3mm.

On my Husqvarna/Viking Epic2 this is how my touch screen looks after I select the “button” stitch.

Epic2 screen set for button sewing and my notes

After marking the button location tape the button in place, then slide it under the ankle.  Before lowering the (presser foot) ankle, use your hand-wheel to insert the needle into the left hole.  THEN lower the presser foot.  AGAIN with the handwheel, turn it until the needle goes into the right hole.  A 3 mm stitch width is average, but not standard.  If the holes are closer you’ll want to narrow the stitch width.  If they’re further apart widen the stitch width.  When you’re all set, use your foot control to finish.  My machine does a “fix” to anchor the threads. I use the selective thread cutter to finish, which takes the top thread underneath before cutting both.

If my button has 4 holes, I repeat the process with the second set.

When all my buttons are on, I trim the threads, and put a drop of fabric sealant like Fray-check on the back.  They won’t fall off!  There are many times when my hubby buys a shirt on sale at a “big-box” store that I’ll over-sew all the buttons.   

Sew?  What do you think?  Are you going to sew buttons on by sewing machine the next time you need to sew a bunch buttons on?


Yvette Chilcott

I'm a mother of 3, stepmother of 3. My hubby and I share our home with 2 cats, and my hobbies, including my food experiments.

6 Responses

  1. Thank you, Yvette, your timing is perfect. My Jalie 3130 blouse is finished apart from the slightly mismatched buttons in my stash! I have sewn used this method before but this is a great refresher. I do find Jalie top patterns fit me well without too many changes.

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